
Bees and Wasps

There are more than 20,000 recorded bee species. They vary in color, and can be black or brown with red, yellow or lustrous blue stripes. A common trait among bees is hairiness, a trait essential to the collection of pollen. Bees are arguably the most important insect when it comes to pollination. The most commonly known species of bees in Southern California are European and Africanized honey bees. Wasps are similar to bees, but are more aggressive. Some wasps collect pollen, and others feed on garbage and proteins. The most popular wasp species in Southern Califronia is the Yellow Jacket.

Honey Bees The wild or domesticated

European honey bees can become a serious pest when they establish a nest in or on a structure. Individual colonies may have 20,000 to 50,000 bees. The most serious problems result when a swarm of honey bees locates a small opening or openings in an exterior wall, down a chimney, or behind some faulty flashing of a home and then nests in a wall void or some other interior area. If honey bees become well established within the wall voids of a house, large amounts of wax and honey may collect within the wall. As long as the bees are active, the workers keep the air moving inside the nest by fanning with their wings, so the temperature remains below the melting point of the wax. If the bees are killed, this form of air conditioning ceases to function. In warm weather or if the interior of the house is kept warm, the wax within thewall void may then become soft enough to melt, allowing the honey to seep out of the storage cells and create a mess. If a sufficient amount of honey is inside the walls, enough may be absorbed by plaster or similar porous wall material that an unsightly and virtually permanent stain may appear on the inside wall. Another problem inherent to such situations is that the presence of honey in the wall void will attract foraging worker bees from other honey bee colonies. Other insects, such as various flies, ants, and beetles will also be attracted to the nest site and may later infest other materials inside the home. Thus, there may be a continuous supply of bees or other pests around the house, even though the original colony was destroyed. It is important that the hive be completely removed as soon as possible after the colony is controlled, even if this requires substantial expense for carpentry and repairs.

Africanized Honey Bees aka Killer Bees

Africanized honey bees are the same species as European Honey bees, but they behave in a more aggressive manner. In a perceived attack, Africanized honey bees will quickly respond with stings and in much greater numbers than European honey bees. They are also known to pursue perceived intruders for up to a quarter-mile, unheard of from most other bee species.


Wasps can be social or solitary. Social wasps live in large colonies that can number in the thousands. Solitary wasps live alone and rarely build nests. Some wasps are aggressive species, which sting when threatened. Unlike Honey Bees, Wasps are capable of stinging multiple times. For more information click here.


Can treat areas of bee infestation on property and location within the structure of the home as needed. Repair to the structure of the home is available at an additional cost through our licensed contractors. See our construction pages for residential and commercial for more information.

Bee Services are priced based on the severity of the infestation, size of the hive, and structural repairs included during removal.

For more information or to schedule a free inspection, please call for services.


Bees & hive removal

commercial & residential

Bee Treatment Plans

  • One-Time Treatments Available
  • Guaranteed Bee Eradication
  • Hive Removal 
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